Saturday, December 1, 2012

Brantford, Week 13 (wednesday Prep-day)

August 8, 2012

Hello Family!

So, I'm sorry I caused some worries for you guys. By the end of my first 12 weeks, I was absolutely beat. No energy to do anything. Not because we worked so hard or anything like that, but because I was so emotionally drained. Anyways... there was nothing seriously wrong with me. But my first 12 weeks were extremely painful. But I will spare you of details because it was nothing physically or emotionally damaging to me, it was just painful. And it doesn't matter anymore. It was just a very discouraging start. But I learned SO much from it. And that is the beauty of life and every experience we have. So... PLEASE don't worry. I am fine.

President Scott called me on Sunday night and asked me to be a trainer! So, my new companion is Elder Pitre (pronounced Pete) from New Brunswick. He is 19 and fresh out of the MTC. It is amazing to have this new beginning. See, I told you not to worry. Maybe I will never share any negative things again :) We had our Trainer's meeting yesterday morning (Tuesday), and I got to meet and pick up Elder Pitre. I also got to see my buddies from the MTC, Elder Forsyth (my mtc comp) was also there to train for the first time, and I got to see Elder Rodee and Elder Wright who are awesome guys. It was a great day yesterday to have the meeting and bear testimony and meet my new companion. As we were leaving the Brampton Stake Center, Elder Green (one of the assistants as of this past week- but was my zone leader last transfer) gave us a hug as we left and he said to me "Go clean up Brantford, and just kill it!!" In other words, "Go change things and do awesome!!" It made me so excited! It pumped me up like crazy! It also helped me feel that he too was aware of my situation. So was President Scott. That's why I felt so good after my interview a couple of weeks ago.

So, to wrap things up-- I absolutely know, without a doubt, that God is aware of us and loves us. Every experience IS for our good. I knew that all along my first 12 weeks, that's what kept me going. But it doesn't make things easy. Please remember that. When things get tough... God is absoultely aware and He loves us and He knows what experiences we need to build our character. I want to share my testimony about the Priesthood. Itis a duty we take upon ourselves as Priesthood holders, a covenant that we make to do good in the world. As much good as we can. However, we cannot speak for God or do what He would do if we are doing it for OUR glory, to look good to others, or if we are trying to control others. Having the priesthood doesn't mean I have any power or control over someone. The heavens withdraw from the priesthood holder who seeks to control others. The priesthood is a commision to love, to serve, and to lift. That is how God works, and that is how His church works. Men can fool themselves and others, but no one can fool God.

I love you all. Very much. Please, please don't worry. Look to God and live the truly abundant life. He is begging you to do it.

With God on our side, Elder Pitre and I are going to turn Brantford around. And I'm SO excited. We are ready to "kill it!" We are going to love, serve, and lift.

Elder Brett Simper

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