Sunday, December 2, 2012

Brantford 9/10/12

September 10, 2012

Hello Family!

I hope you are all doing well. It was a good week. Seemed like a short one, since the last time I emailed was just on Wednesday- so there's not much new stuff to share, but that's alright! We have had a lot of opportunities open again- opportunities that seemed to be closed for a while. Elder Pitre and I are always on the look-out on how to improve and how to be more effective and more successful in finding those people who are searching for the truth. Like most things in life, we have to be smart, work hard, do our best, then trust God's plan and timing. So that's what we'll continue to do.

I finally attached a picture for everyone. This was taken this morning at the Six Nations Indian Reserve Tourism Center. It's me next to a pow-wow dancer! It was good to be there, we got a little tour and learned a little bit about Native heritage and beliefs. Which is something I'm extremely interested in now, since I've been here. A couple of little things I learned- Lacrosse is, in some ways, a sacred tradition. Beliefs are that the Creator gave the game of Lacrosse for medicine and for entertainment. This next thing is especially interesting for missionaries: there is a Tree of Peace, I think they call it- or maybe its the Peace Tree- whatever it is, they buried their weapons of war underneath it. The book of Alma in the book of Mormon tells of people burying their weapons of war, for peace, and they covenanted with God to not go to war with their brothers. So that's pretty cool.

Last night, we watched the CES Devotional Broadcast with Elder Holland as the speaker. If you haven't watched it... you should! It was extremely powerful. I've never seen Elder Holland be so bold! He's getting more and more bold as time goes on. But he always balances out the chastening with God's love for us. He gave a beautiful Apostolic blessing at the end. Probably the most powerful one I've ever been able to feel. It was great... I really, really suggest you watch it.

Well, I will try now to send some more personal emails. I hope all is well... I love you all very much, and you are all in my prayers.

Elder Simper

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Brantford 9/5/12

September 5, 2012

Hello Family!

It has been a really hot and humid week here in Brantford. I've actually said a lot "I'm excited for winter!" Then people tell me, "You won't be excited when its here!" Which is probably true. :)
This email is a day later than planned because we had Zone Conference yesterday, which I forgot about last week. Next week should be normal as far as I know. Now, I don't think this will happen, but it is possible that my last day in Brantford could be on Monday, September 17. That is the end of this transfer period. So, no one ever knows for sure what will happen until the night before. So just keep that in mind as far as mail and stuff goes.

Mom mentioned that I haven't talked that much about Elder Pitre. He is a super good guy! The funny thing is, he is about the exact opposite as Elder Johnson. He is quite a bit shorter than me, while Elder Johnson was way taller than me. Elder Pitre is really big on being super obedient, which is a good thing. He hiccups a lot. Which is funny. I'm not sure if I spelled hiccups right. I like to joke around with him a lot. The other day I was going to park facing the wrong direction on a street and I was like "It's not THAT illegal." And he was like "Not THAT illegal, are you serious??!!" He was thinking "What is wrong with this guy (me)?" Which, as the brown clown knows, is one of my favorite ways to mess with people. The parking thing was funny to me... it shows how total opposite my companions have been so far. Weird combinations too. Elder Johnson was way loose but not so easy-going, while Elder Pitre is strict but easy-going. As far as the training goes, that is going fine. We follow the program to the tee and Elder Pitre is doing just fine. I learn from him, and hopefully he can get something from me. We get along great! And all is well.

It has been a good week. Things are picking up here in Brantford. There is one member here who I have been thinking about a lot. His name is Dan, he is about 20 or 21 years old. He was away from the church for many years, starting when he was about 14 years old. His sister is currently on a mission in Korea. His sister had been through college, started a career as a teacher, then felt prompted to drop everything and serve a mission... With the primary intention to bless her family, with hopes that they would return into the light of this Gospel. In her farewell talk, she said blessings would pour down from heaven upon her family. Dan decided he would really watch for those blessings. "Yeah, okay... let's see if any 'blessings' come." I imagine that's probably what his thoughts were like. To Dan's suprise, he saw many blessings. Many "coincidences" began happening, time and time again. All the way to the point to where he has the desire to leave his old life behind and come back into the light of the Gospel. He is leaving behind drug addictions, drug dealing, and other things that the world offers as temporary escapes from pain.

To be completely honest, my primary intention to serve a mission was not to bless my family. Of course its something that I hoped for and continue to hope for, but it was not my primary intention. With that being said, I would be lying if I said I didn't care or didn't want my entire family to come back in, or enter into, the light of the Gospel. No one can force anyone to do anything, for even God Himself cannot and will not do that. However, I can beg and plead with you to do whatever needs to happen for you to come into the Gospel light. I know a lot has happened with all of us, a lot of things have pulled us apart. But I also know that we have a love and care for each other that never really fades away. Anger, grudges, bitterness may get in the way. But nothing ever extinguishes that true love we have for each other. I know I am guilty of offenses. As we all are. Our older brother Jesus Christ suffered so much pain that we can't even imagine... so that we don't have to carry these burdens. The journey to understand Him and His love begins with prayer. Does God care about me? Is He even there? Did Jesus really die for me? For what purpose? Ask God, and He will answer. He is our loving Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ is our loving Brother, and He stands with his arms open: "Come back, come home... come unto Me."

I love you all so very much. I hope you have a great week :)

Elder Brett Simper


August 28, 2012

Hello Family!

Its been a good day thus far, and we have some good appointments lined up for the rest of this day. Thinking of "good days", I always think of one of the cashiers at the Vista Target who always said "Everyday is a good day, just some days are better than others. Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, and today's a gift- that's why its called the present." I always liked that guy. Even though it was a rote thing, he was sincere when he said that to everyone. It was his sincerity that brightened my day. Its been a really good week, and I look forward to making the most out of this next week too. I will have my preparation day on Tuesday next week too, just so you all know. So, emails will be on Tuesday again. But I'm guessing the following week will be back to normal.

This past week was full of learning opportunities. I learned that I was believing a lie for quite some time. A very subtle lie. The lie was that I shouldn't be too "pushy" or bold when meeting strangers on the street or at their doorstep. But the truth is, we are representatives of the Savior. He suffered and died for us, so that we don't have to suffer for our errors. If I don't give people a clear choice, if I don't invite them and give them that opportunity to clearly say yes or no, then I have not fulfilled my purpose as a missionary to "invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel." Just to say "hey, hows it going today?" then to say nothing if they say nothing, that is not clear enough. So, what I've learned is that there is a difference between being bold and being over-bearing. I was believing that being bold was being pushy, but that's not true. We shouldn't fear man more than God. That's one of the things I've learned. That's been really effective for me and Elder Pitre to put into practice and apply it in our real life situations. Its going to make both of us more effective, and that's exciting to me!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ makes life make sense. Before going on my mission, I questioned everything to the core. But there was a point where I stopped, because if you come to the conclusion that there is nothing, no plan, no organization, then it is utter chaos. If its utter chaos, what's the point of existing? I'm happy to know that there is a purpose to our existence. It is a beautiful plan. Its a simple plan, even when you dig a little deeper. And I'm grateful for the plan, no matter how naive or silly the world will falsely say it is. The truth is, the plan shows us how things really are, how they really will be. Its a plan of Happiness! "Jesus Christ is the way, the only way to happiness and fulfillment. Every other way is madness." (That's a paraphrased quote from one of my favorite general conference talks)

I truly am grateful for every single one of you. I love you! Work hard to center your life on the Gospel. And everything will fall into place. I promise you!

Much love and gratitude,
-Elder Brett Simper-

Brantford, 8/20/12

August 20, 2012

Hello family!

Real quick to clear up confusion I saw in some emails from you- my Preparation Day is still on Mondays. There are sometimes some weeks where the day will change due to holidays or other reasons. Like next week, for example, we will probably do emails on Tuesday instead because the Brantford library will be closed on Monday for some reason. I'll try to be better at letting you know ahead of time :) Also, I will be doing emails as early as 1 or 2 PM eastern time from now on. At least while I'm here in Brantford :)

Well, it has been a great week. We have visited many homes and talked to many people. We started a weekly hour of volunteering at a long-term care facility when they bowl on a shuffleboard table on Friday afternoons. We have met with the bishop here in Brantford to re-commit to him and make sure he knows we are on his team, and we have set goals to meet with many members and help make the spirit of missionary work spread like wildfire. We don't coerce or persuade anyone to "join the church." We are to create an atmosphere where people may feel the spirit of the Lord, and we are to teach, testify, and invite them to come unto Christ. How do we create atmospheres where the spirit can be felt? We share love, we share the Gospel. The love must be real and genuine, not phony. If it is phony, the spirit will not be there. And we teach simple truths. At the foundation of everything we teach, is the simple but powerful truth that God is our loving Heavenly Father. Everything He has done for us, every purpose for having the Gospel plan, the reason why we are here on this Earth, the reason for all the good and bad experiences we have, is because our Father in Heaven loves us. We are here to learn and grow. Ultimately, to learn how to LOVE the way HE loves us. So, love is the foundation of what we teach and how we teach. We're trying to use the same template to share spiritual messages with members of the ward, not just to those who are investigating the church. We're trying to create atmospheres for the members where they can feel the spirit of God. This is how we are hoping to spread the fire of missionary work! We are working really hard, and I am really coming to know for myself how fulfilling it is to be diligent in doing the Lord's work. I have faith that, as long as we are diligent and faithful, Elder Pitre and I will find those who are prepared to hear and receive the gospel of Christ! It is exciting!

I have been really bad at taking and sending pictures lately. I will try to be better! One thing I've noticed lately is how well I know my way around here in Brantford and in some surrounding cities. When I first arrived, I thought I would never get to know my way around! I actually wanted to buy a GPS. But I'm glad I didn't- its nice to just learn your way around. It also lets me think of this area like a second home. It was pretty chilly this morning. I guess it actually starts getting cold in Canada around this time. Not that cold, and its only in the mornings for now-- but its definitely just around the corner! I've also taken some time to realize more of how Canadians talk. People always say "Pardon?" or "Pardon me?" instead of "What?" or "Huh?" like Americans like me do. I've also noticed how "Mmm-hmm" is something people say, or hum, much louder and much more often in conversations than I notice in the States. I am still hanging on to my American vocabulary, the only Canadian (or non-So-Cal) thing that I've started saying a lot is "pop" instead of "soda." Because I felt weird saying soda when everyone says pop. Sometimes I do the "mmm-hmm" thing just to try it out, but I don't like it.

I better get going. I miss all of you, and I love you. I'm grateful for all of you. You are in my prayers. I hope you all have a great week!
Laus deo.

Elder Simper

Brantford, Week 14

August 13, 2012

Hello Family!

It has been a great week. And a busy week! Preach My Gospel suggests that we go through the Area Book often to keep it up to date, and to go through the former investigators once in a while because that is a great place to find people who may be ready to accept the gospel. Former investigators may have been dropped for many reasons- gone on vacation, got too busy, or maybe they weren't really interested. Elder Pitre and I contacted many, many people who seemed to be very interested but dropped because they got too busy, or contact was lost. Many of these people said they would meet again! So, that is exciting for us. A weird thing just happened yesterday, the Woodstock area closed for some reason. We're not sure what for, but hopefully it wasn't too crazy. We're guessing they just shifted some missionaries around to different areas. Woodstock is probably about 40 mins southwest from Brantford. So we got taken out of our district and were placed in the Stratford District, and we have been given some responsibility over the Woodstock area's investigators. We're not sure how much or how often we will have to go out there, but our District Leader said to be open on Wednesdays so that we could be available to help with investigators that are there that are close to baptism. That should be a neat experience for us too.

As far as the training goes, that is fun. Its just one of those things that you just go out and do, and learn how as you go. I hope Elder Pitre is enjoying it. I hope he has an awesome experience! President Scott half-joked last week that we should train them to be ready in 6 weeks instead of 12. I thought he was half-joking, but Elder Pitre said that was mentioned in their first-day meeting too. So maybe he wasn't! But that would be insane if some missionaries were ready after 6 weeks! It is definitely attainable. It'll be interesting to see what happens in 5 weeks.

Well, Brantford is an amazing place. The ward is great. There have been a couple of young (20 yrs old) ward missionaries called. And an old one too. So we're excited to create some energy among the young people. The Gospel is great. It teaches people to do good, and to be good. How can you go wrong? Its true. God lives, He is our Father. He loves us! And so does Jesus Christ. Through Him, all things are possible!

I love you all so much, and I hope you all have a great week! Its going to be a great week here in Brantford, we have a lot of teaching to do this week! Can't wait to tell you how it goes. This past week was all preparation and finding, clean up, and now its time to SHARE. (Spark Happiness And Rescue Everyone- something that we found in our apartment) Anyways- love you all, you are in my prayers.

Elder Brett Simper

Brantford, Week 13 (wednesday Prep-day)

August 8, 2012

Hello Family!

So, I'm sorry I caused some worries for you guys. By the end of my first 12 weeks, I was absolutely beat. No energy to do anything. Not because we worked so hard or anything like that, but because I was so emotionally drained. Anyways... there was nothing seriously wrong with me. But my first 12 weeks were extremely painful. But I will spare you of details because it was nothing physically or emotionally damaging to me, it was just painful. And it doesn't matter anymore. It was just a very discouraging start. But I learned SO much from it. And that is the beauty of life and every experience we have. So... PLEASE don't worry. I am fine.

President Scott called me on Sunday night and asked me to be a trainer! So, my new companion is Elder Pitre (pronounced Pete) from New Brunswick. He is 19 and fresh out of the MTC. It is amazing to have this new beginning. See, I told you not to worry. Maybe I will never share any negative things again :) We had our Trainer's meeting yesterday morning (Tuesday), and I got to meet and pick up Elder Pitre. I also got to see my buddies from the MTC, Elder Forsyth (my mtc comp) was also there to train for the first time, and I got to see Elder Rodee and Elder Wright who are awesome guys. It was a great day yesterday to have the meeting and bear testimony and meet my new companion. As we were leaving the Brampton Stake Center, Elder Green (one of the assistants as of this past week- but was my zone leader last transfer) gave us a hug as we left and he said to me "Go clean up Brantford, and just kill it!!" In other words, "Go change things and do awesome!!" It made me so excited! It pumped me up like crazy! It also helped me feel that he too was aware of my situation. So was President Scott. That's why I felt so good after my interview a couple of weeks ago.

So, to wrap things up-- I absolutely know, without a doubt, that God is aware of us and loves us. Every experience IS for our good. I knew that all along my first 12 weeks, that's what kept me going. But it doesn't make things easy. Please remember that. When things get tough... God is absoultely aware and He loves us and He knows what experiences we need to build our character. I want to share my testimony about the Priesthood. Itis a duty we take upon ourselves as Priesthood holders, a covenant that we make to do good in the world. As much good as we can. However, we cannot speak for God or do what He would do if we are doing it for OUR glory, to look good to others, or if we are trying to control others. Having the priesthood doesn't mean I have any power or control over someone. The heavens withdraw from the priesthood holder who seeks to control others. The priesthood is a commision to love, to serve, and to lift. That is how God works, and that is how His church works. Men can fool themselves and others, but no one can fool God.

I love you all. Very much. Please, please don't worry. Look to God and live the truly abundant life. He is begging you to do it.

With God on our side, Elder Pitre and I are going to turn Brantford around. And I'm SO excited. We are ready to "kill it!" We are going to love, serve, and lift.

Elder Brett Simper


July 30, 2012

Hello Family!

I am looking forward to next week VERY much. We had interviews with President Scott last Tuesday, the 24th. It went very well. President Scott is a great, inspired man. It was good to have a nice chat with him!

If there was one message I could share with everyone, and do it in a way that they could understand it perfectly, it would be the message of God's love for His children. Luckily, that IS the message missionaries are commissioned to share with the world. God loves all of His children, and He is merciful to those that believe in Him. ALL of us are His literal children. And whether we choose to believe it or not, every commandment is based on natural laws that have existed for eternity. Commandments are not a restrictive lists of do's and don'ts, but guideposts on how to be happy and remain safe from emotional turmoil. Deep down, all of us can feel that these things are true. One important thing to remember is that we must never lose faith and hope in ourselves, or in others. The healing life-giving light of Christ's atoning sacrifice can and will shine anywhere, if we will let it.

I don't have much else to say this week. Everything is OK... like I said, I am very excited for the near future. As of now, all of my energy is gone, but in about a week, I will be in a situation where all the positive energy that's been bottled up for one reason or another will be ready to explode. Thank you for your love, and your prayers. With the situations I've been dealing with, I hope you can understand that I've tried to prayerfully consider how to handle things. And I have tried to do my best. President seemed to think I handled things well the past two transfers, so I trust that I did. Anyways- I don't know where I'd be without the love of God, and the love of my family and friends.

Laus deo.

Elder Simper

Brantford, Week 10

July 23, 2012

Hello Family!

Sorry its a late email today. I'm pretty annoyed about it, but its a long and not very important story, so I'll just leave it at that :)

I've heard there is lots of dry weather in the U.S., and there is here for sure. Or I've heard of other extreme weather, like too much rain. People are really worried about all the crops not surviving here. Be prepared!

The past week had a couple of nicer cooler days out. It was a nice change. Just last night there were thunderstorms surrounding Brantford. So in the distance you could see lightning flashing. I counted about 20-30 flashes in one minute. I've never seen anything like that before! It was cool to see. I kind of wish it was closer!

The past week I've been trying to study more about Christlike attributes. There is a chapter specifically about them in Preach My Gospel. Attributes such as Faith, Hope, Charity & Love, Patience, Virtue, Knowledge, Diligence, and Obedience. I've been reading a talk about the Atonement also. These studies have got me thinking about God's power. And about the Priesthood. Doctrine & Covenants 121:41 says "No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by LOVE unfeigned." Basically that means, that no man can say "Alright, I have the priesthood! I automatically have the power of God." No man can exercise Priesthood authority if he is a brute. I cannot be a true and effective representative of the Lord Jesus Christ unless I have a true feeling of LOVE and RESPECT for people.

I've been thinking about these things a lot. And its good, because it helps me see my flaws, past and present, and it helps me want to be better. It helps to remember that God IS a God of Love. His glory is to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." What makes Him happy is when we're happy. When we choose to follow the natural laws of God, when we can be together forever with our families (eternal life). All of us will live forever, that is a gift from God. But to have eternal life with our families, that takes faith, repentance, and making and keeping covenants, and enduring to the end.

I love you all so much, and you are always in my prayers. I'd really appreciate if you could keep me in your prayers. I feel them when you do, I know you have. I will need that extra boost for the coming weeks.

Elder Brett Simper