Saturday, March 23, 2013

Niagara, 3/18/2013

Hello Family!

Its good to be able to write you today. I feel like the work is progressing here in the St. Davids Ward, and that's a good feeling. Sometimes, in any situation in life, we may feel like things aren't progressing as fast as we would like. We must realize that there are things we do have control over, as well as things that we don't have control over. So, do your best with the things in which you do have control, but don't worry so much about the rest. I have to remember this time and time again.

Marlene wants to get baptized but she doesn't feel quite ready to commit to a specific date. That's okay, its her decision and her journey. We are simply here to help her along that path, but she chooses what to do and when to do it. We've found a few others here and there, some want to go forward and some just drop off. Its all part of the work! The more I'm here I realize that we are merely instruments in God's hands. And I don't say merely to minimize what we do, because its actually a lot of work to be worthy to be used literally as God's hands. A scripture I really like is in D&C 4, it says "Therefore, if you have desires to serve God, you are called to the work." It later lists many attributes that qualify us to serve God. Among them is faith, hope, charity, love, and an eye single to the glory of God. And it lists many other attributes which, to be completely honest, make me feel quite inadequate most of the time.

I want to share a story from my life, which I think only Mom & Mick will know. Its an experience that I will always remember and draw from to help me keep moving forward. And its amazing to realize how many people share a very similar experience. When I received my Patriarchal blessing, I was terrified. I did not feel worthy. In fact, some people would say I wasn't worthy. I prayed constantly prior to receiving it "Please help me feel the spirit during this experience, I know I'm not what I should be, but please help me..." The Patriarch, whom I've never met and didn't know the pleading prayers I had offered, said as part of the blessing that I would feel the Spirit "which you have prayed for concerning your blessing." Whoa. God was speaking to me.... I felt like he was saying "Hello. Yes, I am real. I am here, and I heard your prayers. I love you very much, you are my son. You have made mistakes, you are still going to make mistakes, but trust in Me and in the Atonement of Christ, repent (move forward & work hard to be better), and everything will work out."

I am so grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord. He shows us so much mercy, so much love. Love is the motivation behind everything that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ do for us. I know that they want to help us be happy and successful, and that is why they have given us the Gospel. They will help us become worthy. Its a process, not a one-time-thing.

I love you all. I hope you have a great week.

Elder Brett Simper

Niagara, 3/11/2013

Hello Family!

It has been a good week. Lots of cool things happening. A girl here named Marlene wants to be baptized! She is the daughter of a recent convert. She's about 20 or 21 yrs old, and she seems to love coming to church right now & she loves to bring her 2 little sisters (who are baptized). Their Mom works quite a bit, so this would be a good change for the entire family. We also met a nice lady named Jennifer a couple weeks ago, and we sacrificed some P-day time to visit her today (that's why emails are late). It was a great sacrifice! She is also going to come to an FHE activity we will have tonight. So, those are a couple highlights from the week.

Today, we got this from President Scott:


To: General Authorities, Area Seventies, and Mission Presidents

From: Missionary Department

Subject: Adjusted Missionary Email Policy

Missionaries are to write to their families each week and are also authorized to communicate by email with friends, priesthood leaders, and new converts. Mission presidents should allow sufficient time on preparation day for missionaries to write emails and letters. While in the mission field, missionaries should receive authorization from the mission president before entering into communication, including via email, with converts and others of the opposite gender within the mission boundaries (see Missionary Handbook, 36–37).

So, that's pretty cool! Now I don't have to worry about the people I haven't written letters to. Now I can just email you back! :) But of course, snail mail won't stop completely.

I feel like my mind is kind of scattered right now, but I hope ya'll know how much I care about you and love you. I don't want to do a lot of "preaching" anymore. Preaching doesn't really do a whole lot. That's why our purpose as missionaries is to invite, not to preach to. But I will continue to share my thoughts with you, and any news from the past week that I find necessary to share... which for some, it may still sound preachy. :) I know that the work that I am doing is truly God's work. If it wasn't... I'd be wasting my time. And only someone powerful as God could take someone like me, and somehow use me as an instrument in His hands... to do whatever little things or big things He wants me to do. It is true, as the Book of Mormon says, that "by small things, great things are brought to pass." We should never give up, nor expect too little from ourselves. We have tons of potential.

I love you all!

Elder Brett Simper

Niagara, 3/4/2013

Hello Family!

I'm going to keep this one kind of short, because Elder Tinney has a ton of stuff to do today. And we have to clean our apartment, and we're going to see the Falls again... So, I'm sorry about not being able to write more!

There were many simple, but great, things that happened this past week. Nothing huge, no parting of the Niagara Falls, no awe-inspiring miracles. But the little things are the things that are the most important. Tiny moments that remind us that God is real, He is mindful of our situation, and He loves us. To me, there is no knowledge more important than those 3 seemingly small principles, because they are not small. Most of the time it seems like I'm just a spectator on the sidelines, watching as miracles take place in other peoples' lives (often complete strangers!). Not that we don't do anything, because we most definitely are always doing something, but most of the miracles I've seen happen when we just get out of the way. This is God's work. We are His children. We either submit to Him, and feel love, gentleness, and peace... or we don't and we are fighting against the nature of happiness. Because God doesn't need us to submit to Him, but we do. He doesn't command us to just for the sake of reigning over us... its just the nature of life. Anytime we are not loving or gentle or we don't act the way God has told us to, we will fail. We will go backwards.

I really do hope that none of my emails are in vain. And I hope that you will look to God for your support, for answers to your questions. Don't take anyone's word for anything. Ask questions, be reasonable, and be fair.

I love you all so much. Have a great week!

Elder Brett Simper

Niagara, 2/25/13

Hello Family!

I am staying in Niagara Falls. Sadly, Elder Lee is leaving me! He has been one of my favorite companions. We only got to serve with each other for 5 weeks, but he is awesome. He's remaining in English work and going over to Leamington which is way over on the Southwestern part of Ontario. I don't know who my new companion is yet. He is one of the many missionaries coming into the field today, so I'll get to meet him tomorrow! Just so ya'll know for mail or whatever, next transfers are on April 7th.

It has been a pretty good week. Not many of our current investigators are progressing right now, but we have a couple of really good potential investigators that we'll be meeting this week for the first time. There is a couple named Marlee and Blair, they are being married by our Bishop here, and they would like to learn more about the church they are being married in. Could you keep them in your prayers?

In the world we live in, and in the world we're moving in to, people need to have a personal relationship with God. And families need to be unified by love. And well... that is what the Gospel is for. We don't baptize to get a statistic or to gain more members of the church. Baptisms, and more importantly- living the Gospel- help us feel closer to God. Feeling closer to God helps us know our purpose here. And knowing our purpose here helps us know our full potential for the Eternities. Baptisms pave the way for this path, and open the door to the Celestial Kingdom.

That entire above ^^ paragraph is found in the words of modern day revelations, as well as ancient scriptures. I tell you that so I don't take credit for it- its a bunch of words from people a lot wiser than me... God is always telling us "The Way"-- He is always calling for us to come back home! Pray to Him, read His words, and as long as you keep moving forward and never give up, you will never go astray. That's a promise from God. (which promise you'd find in the scriptures or modern day words... read them!!!)

We don't have a whole lot of time today, so I'll cut this one short. I love you all! And I hope you have a great week.

Elder Brett Simper

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Niagara, 2/19/13

Hello Family!

Last week was great! Elder Lee and I have been blessed to find several new investigators the past couple of weeks. Since not everyone is ready to accept the Gospel, lots of new investigators doesn't automatically equal lots of baptisms. But its important to keep a continual flow of new investigators so that we can find those who are ready. We've had the chance to meet lots of great people of many backgrounds. And we've had the opportunity to learn and grow ourselves. I want to share a couple of short experiences with you, then I want to spend a little more time writing to some of you personally.

It has been great to see Charles progress in the Gospel. He is just at the very very beginning of his journey. And so are all of us. On Sunday, Charles received the Aaronic Priesthood and a couple of assignments: to be an usher, and to be a Home Teacher. He is also very excited to go to the Temple. One of my favorite things is to witness a conversion happening right before my eyes. This is God's work.

Another neat experience we had was to meet two guys from India, one nick-named "Happy" and the other is named Tusha. Happy was a referral from the Welland Elders, who are our friends in our district. Then, we ended up meeting Tusha as we were visiting Happy. There's a couple things I liked about this experience: 1) Missionaries all over the world are on the same team, we are all united in the same cause. And 2) Happy and Tusha reminded me that all of us are unique individuals. Our Heavenly Father created us to be the way we are for a reason. Happy and Tusha had concerns & questions that we normally wouldn't even think about, let alone plan for. But they both have great love for their brothers and sisters in the world, and want to do good to them.

We are all so different in many ways. But in many ways we are all the same. Everyone needs to feel loved, everyone wants peace, and everyone wants to find happiness. The part where we differ is in how we find love, peace, and happiness. There are benign (as well as harmful) ways of finding love, peace, and happiness that are not based on the Gospel of Christ. However, the principles of the Gospel of Christ are the only source of lasting love, peace, and happiness. I know this is true! And I continue to try and indoctrinate all of you with these things because I care about you. I love you all, and I hope you have a great week.

Elder Brett Simper

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Niagara, 2/11/13

Hello Family!

It has been a pretty good week. It snowed a TON. At least it seemed like a lot to me, but everyone here says it wasn't anything too crazy. The weather here is weird. Because now its all melting away, and I have no idea if that means spring is starting or if its going to get freezing again and start snowing more...who knows! I think we're going to see the Falls again today, since some Elders in our district haven't seen it yet. Its a nice day to go. It's 7 celcius or so. It feels so nice! :) Some random things before I share a quick thought with you: Transfers are on 2/24 which is coming up really soon. So if anyone is planning on mailing anything to our apartment here, either wait or mail it to the mission office. And, next Monday is a Canadian holiday so P-Day & emails will be on Tuesday 2/19 next week.

In some of my past emails, I've shared some experiences that have made me realize how important home is to us. At a member's house for dinner recently, I received a fortune cookie- the fortune said "The home is the chief school of human virtues." That is so true! I believe that all evil in the world is directed at destroying families. The family is the most important unit of society- now and in eternity. Heaven is a continuation of the ideal home. Every false idea, evil motive, or sinful behavior separates us from those we love. There is nothing mystic or magic about this, it is just a reality we have to accept. But we must also realize what makes a home ideal. What is the ideal home? Its not a perfect house with a perfect family with perfect kids who always obey & behave perfectly. At least not "perfect" in a superficial, worldly sense. But can a home be a heaven on Earth? Yes. We won't be perfect. We make mistakes. But we must love, we must say sorry & be forgiving, we must share, we must have fun together! We have to cleave to our loved ones. Cleave means to hold on tight. Hold on tight, or else we ourselves may get lost or we may lose those we love! I know that "broken" families can be healed. They may be far away from each other, or they may have different beliefs or feelings- but families can still love each other. And in that way, we can be healed in a very real sense. I have seen people begin to change their lives and I've seen relationships healed because of love. The Gospel is all about love. Love comes from God. If you believe in love, then what do you have against God, or His Truth? Joseph Smith said: "What do we hear from the Gospel we have received? Truth, out of the Earth. Mercy, from Heaven. A voice of gladness, for the living and the dead! Shall we not go on in so great a cause?"

I love you. Be happy, and make it a great week.

Elder Brett Simper

Monday, February 4, 2013

Niagara, 2/4/13

Hello Family!

It was a good week here. It was a little cold, and it snowed like crazy. But that's okay. Because Charles got baptized! It's been an interesting journey with Charles. I think it has tested a lot of people, including Charles, us, and the ward. People were unsure of his commitment. They worry that he'll just drop off after a little while. But we've also found that everyone who knows Charles, really love him. He is a great guy with a really big heart, he makes people laugh, and he has a strong desire to follow Christ. So there's been a few things I think we (us, the ward) have learned. 1) Don't come to conclusions before really knowing a person, 2) Don't say no for others. Let them decide. And 3) If you're concerned about someone's commitment level, show love and support- and be loving and supportive. Charles will be just fine. He has lots of friends in the ward and he wants to serve. His journey has just begun!

I've been thinking a lot this past week about my journey over the past few years. I was thinking about times I would counsel with Bishop McMaster, and he would tell me constantly to READ THE BOOK OF MORMON EVERY DAY!! And for the life of me, I just couldn't do it. I would read 15 mins for a couple of days, then I'd stop about mid-week. Then after several months of the same-old pattern of failure, I pretty much gave up. Then after several more months, I don't really know what happened that changed me, I was counseling with Bishop Frame- and he was telling me the same thing: Stop being a sloth, and read the Book of Mormon. (maybe those weren't his exact words) And I still wasn't doing that great!! But by this time, I don't know how, but I did not give up. I kept moving forward. I had a trust that if I had some sort of spiritual fuel every day, that even if it wasn't the scriptures, but any source of truth & light- that I would make it and eventually the Book of Mormon would be an everyday thing. I don't know why, but my mind just didn't want the scriptures as much as it did Mo-Tab or other easier-to-read church books, or even a random sampler of self-help books. And then it wasn't until several months later when I was riding on a bus early in the morning from the MTC to the SLC airport that I had this uneasy feeling in me. I was not comfortable. I was not at peace. I realized I hadn't said a prayer that morning, nor had I read in the scriptures! So, I said a prayer and read a small chapter in the Book of Mormon. Then, I felt better. I love the Book of Mormon. It is true, it is the word of God. And I need it every single day.

I think there are a lot of times when we feel like giving up. It doesn't have to be in our journey towards a full-time mission or becoming an every-day-scripture-reader. Maybe we feel it in our relationships, our work, our school, it could be a number of things. I am a strong believer in changing our desires, thoughts, attitudes, and then moving forward. I didn't really progress until I knew I could move forward. I think that's what helped me progress towards coming on a mission. When I was with Bishop McMaster, I felt stuck and I didn't think I could really move forward. So those thoughts needed to change, and eventually over time they did. So when I met with Bishop Frame, I still felt stuck at times and a little hopeless, but I knew that I must move forward, and I knew that I could. I could move forward, and I trusted that it would all work out. Have a worthy & positive goal at the end of your mind's tunnel, and always keep it there. And keep on going!! And you will make it. You will make it to somewhere better than you were before. And it might not be exactly what you had in mind, but it is worth the journey.

The Gospel is true! Jesus Christ makes the journey of transformation possible. We're meant to transform from someone good into someone better.
I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week. Attached is a picture of Me, Charles, Bishop Gilmour, and Elder Lee.

Elder Brett Simper